Publication Process

  1. Step-1: Manuscript Preparation

    Given below are some guidelines for authors/ Contributors who wish to submit their works to the ELT Vibes: International journal.

    • Research papers or articles submitted for consideration for publication in the journal must be original and not previously published in any form.
    • Submissions should not exceed 15,000 words, including all notes, references, and tables
    • Each submission must be accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words
    • Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word 97-2000 format, using British spellings. The document should be formatted on A4 size paper with 1.5 line spacing and justified text. The font size should be 12. Graphs and charts must be created using MS Office software (i.e., Word, Excel).
    • PD versions are not accepted for the journal
    • Contributions should be submitted by email only. The email id is :
    • PDF versions are not accepted for the journal.
    • Contributions should be submitted by email only. The email id is
    • The articles should include:

      • The name (s) of the author (s)
      • A5-line bio note
      • Their professional affiliations
      • Email address
    • Contributors should not violate any provisions of the Copyright Act and the associated rules regarding materials used in their articles or their sources. The journal is not responsible for any violations or lapses by contributors.
    • All articles submitted for consideration will be subjected to the journal's refereeing system.
    • The contributions of the author(s) should be completely original, not violating any existing copyrights, and free from libelous or scandalous content. If quotes or figures previously published elsewhere are used, permission from the copyright owner must be included as appropriate.
    • The copyright of all published material, including printed, electronic, and other publication formats, will be held by The ELT Vibes. Contributors will be asked to sign a copyright declaration form when their paper is accepted for publication.
  2. Step-2: Manuscript Submission
    Manuscripts should be submitted online (Submit Manuscript) or authors can send them by email to
  3. Step-3: After Submission
    After submission, all works undergo a review process by two reviewers, which takes at least 30-40 days. If the work is accepted with revisions, the researcher must address all points suggested by the reviewers. The corrected paper will then be reviewed by the editor again, a process which will take an additional 30-40 working days before it is deemed acceptable for publication.
  4. Step-4: After Acceptance
    1. Authors are required to pay a publication fee of Rs. 500 for Indian authors and $10 for foreign authors.
    2. The corresponding author must sign the copyright form and submit it along with the final version of the manuscript.
    3. After publication, the corresponding author will receive an email with the publication details.

Book Reviews

The ELT Vibes publishes brief write-ups on select new publications of professional interest, as well as select book reviews. The journal welcomes book review submissions from authors for the Publication in Journal. For more information, author can contact the editor at

Review and Processing Time

The manuscript is initially reviewed by two reviewers to determine if it fits the journal’s aim and scope, a process that takes at least 30-40 days. If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the researcher must address all points suggested by the reviewers as necessary. As ELT Vibes is a peer-reviewed international e-journal for research in ELT, the identities of both authors and reviewers are kept anonymous. The editor-in-chief reserves the right to make any necessary changes during the review process.